5 Common Issues that Impact Manufacturing Facility Floors

5/15/24, 10:17 PM

The durability, functionality, and visual appeal of manufacturing facility floors can be impacted by various factors including excessive weight, high pressure, extreme temperature, and more. Here are the common issues that affect manufacturing facility floors:

1. Uneven Surfaces and Staining

While some esthetic issues may not change the durability or functionality of the flooring, they could affect the appearance of your facility and the impression it creates. Others, such as uneven surfaces, could impact proper equipment operation and create tripping hazards.

Amine blush — caused by low temperature and high humidity — can reduce stain resistance, increase surface tackiness, and make the surface harder to clean. Outgassing occurs when trapped gases are released through the resin coating and can lead to irregular surfaces. Poor intercoat adhesion, due to temperature and humidity fluctuations, can cause peeling, flaking, or delamination of the topcoat. Meanwhile, moisture from improperly-sealed floors can result in cracks, leveling issues, etc.

2. Yellowing, Cloudiness, and Color Changes

These changes in the appearance of the flooring materials aren’t easily reversible. It often requires processes such as diamond grinding and reapplication of the coating materials to rectify the issues.

The topcoat of a concrete floor can become yellow and cloudy due to exposure to direct sunlight, the use of expired or improperly stored resin flooring materials, as well as exposure to moisture and excessive heat. Meanwhile, color shading — the appearance of dark or light streaks — can be a result of excessive UV exposure during the application process.

3. Corrosion and Chemical Interactions

Contact with chemicals (e.g., highly acidic or alkaline substances, as well as solvents) can damage not only the top coating but also the substrate — leading to damages that require costly and extensive repairs that could impact productivity for weeks.

Choosing the wrong coating materials or improper application can also expose the flooring materials to chemical interactions and contamination. This can, in turn, increase the risk of costly damages from corrosion.

4. Bacterial Contamination

Bacterial contamination can pose hazards for facilities that handle food production and preparation, as well as healthcare-related products. Floor surfaces that are hard to clean are more prone to contamination. Also, improper installation and sealing could cause moisture to seep into the cracks and promote bacterial growth.

5. Wear and Tear

Excessive wear and tear not only impacts the appearance of the facility but could expose the flooring materials to further mechanical and chemical damages from pressure, extreme temperature, moisture, and solvents.

Pressure from heavy equipment, movements of industrial appliances, the use of forklifts, high foot traffic, and more can lead to premature wear and tear of the floor surface, especially if the coating material isn't designed to withstand the intended usage.

Choose the Right Concrete Coating to Minimize Flooring Issues

Using high-quality concrete coatings designed for industrial use can help increase the durability, appearance, and safety of your facility's flooring.


An epoxy coating creates surfaces that are very easy to clean, making it ideal for medical and food/beverage applications. Besides minimizing the risk of bacterial contamination, the coating is also highly resistant to chemical reactions, fire, and heat.


More flexible than epoxy, polyurethane flooring can better absorb impact. It’s resistant to chemicals, especially solvents, and resilient against abrasions (e.g., scratching) to help minimize wear and tear. Its UV stability, as well as high tolerance to temperature and humidity fluctuations, make it less likely to develop discoloration or cracks.


The exceptional resistance to chemicals, acids, and various solvents makes Novolac flooring ideal for many industrial applications such as chemical storage areas, battery recharging areas, power plants, wastewater treatment plants, etc. The durable materials can also minimize wear and tear due to foot or vehicular traffic.

Urethane Mortar

This self-leveling coating material helps prevent uneven surfaces. It’s also highly resistant to heat, acids, and organic solvents — which can lead to corrosion, yellowing, cracks, and more. Besides, urethane mortar flooring can withstand the harsh environments and thermal shock in industrial kitchens, food and beverage processing plants, etc.

Using the right concrete floor coating for your manufacturing facility is the key to ensuring safety, cost-efficiency, and uninterrupted operation. We work with clients in various industries, including warehousing and storage, vehicle storage, food and beverages, airline and travel, manufacturing, as well as hospital and medical to help them select and install the right flooring materials that meet their specific requirements.

Contact us to see how we can help you find the highest-quality commercial flooring covers to meet your needs.

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