Preparing Your Space for a New Commerical Floor Coating

Having quality flooring is vital in a commercial space that sees a lot of traffic. But there are several factors you need to consider to make your flooring the best it can be. 

You want any flooring or commercial floor coating you choose to fit your budget and needs, including downtime during installation, preparation of your current floor, and care for your new flooring once it's installed.

Here's what to consider in these areas for the best overall experience.

Budgeting for Your New Commercial Floor Coating

Deciding how much to spend on your facility's floor is essential. You don't want to overspend, as that could cut into the budget for other areas. But you also want to ensure you're getting the quality and value you need and deserve, along with the durability your facility requires. 

Finding the approximate cost of your new flooring is the place to start. Do that early in the process, before the new flooring is needed. That will help you plan for unexpected expenses and work the new floors into the budget more easily.

Preparing Your Current Floor

Floor preparation is another area that needs careful consideration. Follow the instructions of the company you're working with to ensure you adequately prepare the floor. Poor preparation could lead to problems with your new floor.

Part of the preparation process will involve moving everything out of the way to give the flooring company full access. Other specific needs could also arise, such as sweeping the floor or cleaning it in a particular way.

The flooring company may offer to prepare your floor before they coat, overlay, or otherwise treat it. If that's the case, it may be easier to choose that option. In addition, it will help ensure that the preparation is done right. 

Having professionals handle the prep could also be faster than having your team handle it, but you want to weigh all the options. Regardless of who prepares the floor, you'll want to have a plan in place for moving everything out of the way first.

Managing Downtime During Installation

During the installation process and for a set period of time after the floor is installed, you and your team will likely have to stay off the floor. That's especially true if you're having your concrete floor coated. The drying time is extremely important.

If you have a regular time that your facility is closed, such as over the weekend or a particular holiday, scheduling the flooring for that period could reduce required downtime. Depending on the length of your typical break, downtime may still be a consideration.

Another way to manage downtime during a commercial floor installation is to choose the slowest time of the year for your facility. Even though you and your team will have some time when you can't work, you won't have as much stress if it's during a slow period.

Working ahead for a few days or weeks before the flooring installation is an additional way to help keep up with everything during a period of downtime. Combining several different opportunities (slow period, weekend or holiday, working ahead, etc.) can make the actual downtime much more manageable.

Caring for Your Facility's New Commercial Flooring

Once the new coating is installed on your facility's floor, you want it to last as long as possible. Choosing a quality company like Concrete Coatings of the Carolinas and the right type of coating is a big part of that, but so is making sure you and your team care for the facility's new flooring the right way.

To do that, ensure that everyone understands the requirements of the newly installed floor. You can hold a meeting, post the information prominently, and even require employees to read and sign a statement that they understand what to do and not do.

Then, you'll need to ensure compliance if you see an employee doing something they shouldn't, make sure to let them know. If employees understand why something they're doing is causing a problem, they're less likely to continue to do it. 

Be clear on the issues that can affect the floor, and make sure you and your entire team are committed to caring for the flooring the right way. It will last much longer when you do that, which can add to its value for your facility and the future.

Free Consultation

The consultation process will include:

  • A survey of your space
  • Provide you with a handful of recommendations
  • Guiding you to the one that’s best for your needs

From there, we can quote you a transparent price upfront. 

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