More restaurants, warehouses, offices, and retail establishments are choosing concrete coated floors instead of tile, wood, composite material, or linoleum than ever before. While 2021 brought many changes, simple is still best when it comes to concrete floor maintenance.

Smooth and high-luster coating concrete floors breathe new life into a facility, and fortunately, keeping them looking their best is quick and easy.

Easy Maintenance With Coated Concrete Floors

For light cleaning, a clean and dry dust mop works well to remove dry messes like dirt and sand. Be sure to use a clean mop each time so trapped debris doesn't scratch the surface.

While you don't need to use industrial-strength chemicals on your coated concrete floors, you may want to use a diluted cleaner instead of plain water. Windex is a popular option; it won't leave a streaky film on your newly cleaned floors.

If your coated concrete floor is especially dirty, start by clearing the area, and then sweep and vacuum the entire floor. After removing the surface dirt, you can use a hard foam mop with hot water to help remove any remaining dirt. Change the mop water frequently for the best results.

If you already have concrete coating on your floors but can't seem to get it properly cleaned so it looks brand new, you may be dealing with a chipped or cracked coating.

Repairing Your Coated Concrete Floors

If your coated floors are pitted or cracked, it's crucial that you contact professional concrete coating floor experts to assess the situation.

If your floor has an epoxy coating and the cracking or chipping is minor, you may be able to apply a compound to fill in small areas. It's crucial to let repairs cure for at least 60 days, however. You may be able to find a faster-curing epoxy repair kit that cures in just a few days, but results vary depending on the weather, temperature of the floor, and extent of the damage. DIY coating repairs can produce a floor with even more damage, which could make the problem more expensive and time-consuming to fix.

Many business owners don't want to risk their floors to a botched repair job. Even if the cracks seem minor, you may need to have the floor resurfaced for the best result.

Why Choose Concrete Coatings For Your Floor?

Epoxy floors provide many benefits in business and residential applications. The easy-to-clean surface made it a top choice in 2021 for food and beverage as well as medical businesses. Industrial businesses often prefer epoxy to other options due to its chemical, fire, and heat-resistant properties. Epoxy provides a high-gloss shine and you can choose from a wide variety of styles and colors.

Polyurethane provides more flexibility than epoxy, providing impact absorption. It's especially tough against solvents like paint removers and resists abrasions and scratching. Polyurethane is also UV stable, which means it won't turn yellow over time due to exposure to sunlight. Temperature and humidity fluctuations won't damage a polyurethane-covered concrete floor.

Novolac-coated concrete floors provide exceptional resistance to chemicals, including acids and many solvent types. It also resists extreme heat, making it ideal for industrial businesses. Even with high traffic, including vehicles and equipment, Novolac stands the test of time.

Urethane mortar-coated concrete floors provide great resistance against inorganic and organic acids and solvents, as well as excellent thermal shock and heat resistance. Business owners may choose urethane mortar coatings for their concrete floors to due the rapid curing time to limit the amount of time they must close their business for renovations. With Urethane, there are multiple color systems to fit in with the aesthetics of your location, and there is no odor and no VOCs.

When you are ready to learn more about which concrete floor coating may best suit your location, reach out to the seasoned installers at Concrete Coatings of the Carolinas. Installation is fast. Many business owners decided to install one of our popular coatings over their existing concrete floors in 2021 due to the limited amount of time it takes to properly install the coating. Not sure which coating may best serve your needs? Professional flooring experts can help you choose the right coating for the best long-term result.

Contact us today for your free consultation.



CHARLOTTE, NC | 980.207.4735 
3120 Latrobe Drive, Suite 180 
Charlotte, NC 28211 

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